Things to Consider Before Withdrawing
Hocking College wants you to succeed, and we understand that choosing to withdraw is a difficult decision. These questions will help you understand the effects of withdrawing. Please don't hesitate to contact your advisor online to see what options and/or resources might be available to you.
Have you talked with your instructor and academic advisor?
We strongly recommend that you talk with an academic advisor, your instructor and the Veterans representative before withdrawing from your classes. Your academic advisor and instructor are the best people to talk with about the impact your withdrawal will have on your academic program and your eligibility to return. Contact your academic advisor online.
Is your cumulative GPA below 2.0?
Students who withdraw from Hocking with a GPA below 2.0 may not be eligible to return or transfer to another institution. Talking with an academic advisor is especially important if this applies to you. If you’re not sure what your cumulative GPA is, you can find out through Self-Service.
Do you have a balance on your accounts?
Settling your account with the Cashiers Office is an important part of the withdrawal process. If the withdrawal does not occur within the “refund period” charges will remain on your student account. You are responsible for the full assessment of charges whether any sessions are attended or not. Balance for tuition, fees or other services from the Cashiers Office may make you financially ineligible to register for classes and/or obtain official transcripts.
Do you receive Federal Financial Aid?
Depending on when you withdraw, you may be required to repay all or part of the financial aid that has been disbursed for the term. Withdrawing may also make you ineligible for aid in future semesters, even if you decide to continue your education at another institution. For more information, please contact Stephen Powell at 740-753-7055.
Do you have any scholarships or grants?
Performing a withdrawal also has the potential to affect current and future scholarship and grant awards.
Do you have a hold?
There are many types of holds that are placed on student accounts and records for different circumstances. Each hold prevents basic college privileges, such as, but not limited to, the right to register, add/drop classes, and receive copies of unofficial and official transcripts or a diploma. If you are trying to drop classes and you have a hold please contact the Cashiers Office for more information.
Do you live in the residence halls?
If you withdraw from classes, you may become ineligible for campus housing. You will need to see your hall director or the director of residence life to check out of your room properly. If you would like more information concerning a release from your Housing Leasing Agreement, you can talk with your hall director or the director of residence life, or contact the Housing Office.
Do you use the services provided by the Hocking College Library?
You must be an enrolled student, faculty member or staff member to check out library materials without paying a fee. For more information, contact the library.
Do you have an on-campus student job?
If you are not enrolled in classes, then you cannot be employed in a student job. If you have any questions about the status of your on-campus job, contact your supervisor or Robert Bowser by phone at 740-753-6120 or email
To officially withdraw, email the Hocking College Registrar at and request to be withdrawn from the appropriate semester. Include the reason you are withdrawing, your name, student ID number and date of birth. For more information, visit the Registrar's Withdraw Page.